Monthly Archives: October 2017

October planning meeting in Kharkiv, Ukraine

The planning meeting took place on 9-13 October in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine). The participants are Anders Carlsson and Rune Gustafson (BTH, Sweden), Iryna Sokolianska; Arkadii Snihurov, Maryna Yevdokymenko, Oksana Yevsieieva, Ievgen Duravkin and Oleksandr Lemeshko (KhNURE, Ukraine), Volodymyr Sokolov (Kyiv, SUT), Yuriy Lakh and Olena Nyemkova […]

Secure Software Development workshop in Wroclaw University of Technology

Secure Software Development workshop took place on 29.09.2017 – 03.10.2017 in Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Politechnika Wroclawska), Department of Computer Engineering. The partner university representatives joined this workshop: Anders Carlsson and Fredrik Erlandsson (BTH, Sweden), Andrey Krasov (St-Petersburg, Russia), Maryna Yevdoymenko (KhNURE, Kharkiv, Ukraine), Yuriy Lakh and Olena […]