The criteria for choosing people are:
1. The interest and administrative skills for the developing a master courses
2. Teaching experience in master courses
3. Advanced skills in the specific topic
4. Practical skills in the specific topic
The preferable candidate should work, teach and/or do research in the specific topic. It will be good if he/she has already lesson/lab materials, ideas of new lessons/labs. The international team of courses developers will create new high level Master courses. The courses development should be finished till the end of Jan 2015.
An additional task is to develop the documentation for the Remote Security Laboratory system. It will be used by technical staff who will administrate Open Stack and by teachers who will use and create lab materials. The candidate should know Open Stack “Havana” or “IceHouse” version.
All the information about the candidates for courses development please send to Anders Carlsson, the ENGENSEC project coordinator.