The coordination meeting was in the beginning of the event. Anders Carlsson and Rune Gustavsson (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden) focused on the current state of the project and concepts of the high education quality criteria. Participants discussed the main criteria of CDIO for the harmonizing the education process. New teachers from the partner universities became acquainted with the course developers’ teams.
The training participants were divided into two groups: Web security and Digital Forensic. Each team consists of course developers and university teachers who are going to teach students these topics. During the trainings teams analyzed the developed course materials, including lectures and labs, made conclusions about the data visualization and materials completeness. Invited university teachers left a feed back about the quality of the developed course modules.
The Web security course developers presented full complex of the theoretical and practical material. Irina Sokolianska (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden) presented to the teachers general course information. She described the course components and the way of harmonization with other disciplines. Participants discussed the main criteria for the students’ knowledge evaluation. Yuriy Lakh (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine) provided detailed information about the operation of Web applications principles, different types of attacks and vulnerabilities. Victor Petrikin (Kaliningrad State Technical University, Russia) held practical lessons for teachers. They did laboratory works. Participants analyzed the special tools for Web application security.
The Digital Forensic group presented all the developed course materials to the university teachers, the representatives of the following universities: Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), Wroclav University of Technology (Poland), Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine), Kyiv State University of Information and Communication Technologies (Ukraine), P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Russia). During the training participants made some changes to the course materials. The training participants together with the developers corrected and updated an introduction lectures. The final lecture to the course was created. There was a decision about the changes to the labs format for the better student motivation. Training participants recommended the developing an additional materials for the network forensic lecture.
As a main result of these teacher trainings, the courses developers have got the information for the finalizing and polishing their course curriculum and teaching materials. All the event participants have got certificates of the training completion.
The schedule of teacher trainings for other ENGENSEC courses is in the process of clarification.