The ENGENSEC project has developed and validated Master level courses in cyber security aiming at Educating the Next Generation experts in Cyber Security. The consortium consists of 22 organizations from 7 countries: Sweden, Poland, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, and Germany. Grant holder is Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona.
Based on identified challenges in the future information society the following 7 course modules have been developed and validated in different teams and settings. Furthermore, a cloud based experimental platform has been developed, implemented and tested in lab environments.
Course modules: advanced network & cloud security, wireless & mobile security, secure software development, advanced malware analysis, web security, penetration testing and ethical hacking, and digital forensic.
During the first part of the week we will have internal teacher training, courses and evaluations.
On Thursday 16th and Friday 17th we will have open discussions and evaluations with a dinner in the evening. This event will begin on 16th at 13 pm in House J Room 1650.
Please inform us, for further information, if you plan to attend. Contact Anders Carlsson, Project coordinator (aca@bth.se). Very Welcome!