
The next coordination meeting in SUT ( 30 June – 2 July 2014)

The next coordination meeting will be held in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SUT) (Saint Petersburg, Russia) оn 30 June – 2 July 2014. The goals of the meeting are: a) to set the Master joint framework, b) to define titles and contents of the courses, c) to analyze […]

The working meeting in St Petersburg (5-7 June 2014)

Anders Carlsson, ENGENSEC project coordinator, visited the partner Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SUT) on 5-7 June 2014. The goal of the meeting is to set the agenda of the next consortium meeting and to check the meeting site conditions. Anders Carlsson had a meeting with Georgi Mashkov, the […]

Visiting the Committee of Science and Education of Ukraine and ongoing meetings with project partners

Anders Carlsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden), ENGENSEC project coordinator, and Prof. Rune Gustavsson, chairman of Evaluation committee (Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), are invited to Ukraine parliament “Verhovna Rada of Ukraine”, Committee of Science and Education. The goal of the visit is to find ways to collaboration […]

Coordination meeting at BTH, 24-27 March, 2014

Coordination meeting wil take place on 24-27 March, 2014  at Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden). Objective: to harmonize education programs Participants: university staff Sunday, 23 March        Arrival Monday, 24 March Presentation of our project “ENGENSEC” Presentation of partners. Economical rules and rules for meetings, payment for work.  Tuesday, 25 […]

Virtual kick-off meeting 28 Feb, 2014

The virtual kick-off meeting for consortium members will take place on Friday, February 28, 2014. The main objective of this webinar is to clarify next things: Basic info about project Project management structure and communication  Initial tasks Funding/payment model Cloud development Questions and answers Topic: ENGENSEC Tempus project – virtual […]