
ReSeLa installation workshop in BTH

ReSeLa installation workshop took place on 6 – 17 September in Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden). This workshop attendees: Yevdokymenko Maryna and Ievgeniia Kuzminykh (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Stepan Voytusik and Yaroslav Stefinko (Lviv, Ukraine), Volodymyr Sokolov (Kyiv, Ukraine), Alshaev Ilia (St.Petersburg, Russia). Anders Carlsson, ENGENSEC general project manager, coordinated the […]

Summer School – 2017! It was great!

The ENGENSEC Summer School for Master’s degree students in IT security took place on 17-28 July 2017 in Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine). During two weeks students from Sweden, Ukraine, Poland and Russia studied different areas of informational security. The first course was Malware Analysis. The final part of […]

Teacher training – Lviv, 2017

The teachers of ENGENSEC partner universities are invited to join the teacher training on “Malware analysis”, “Web security” and “Secure software development” courses. The training will be on 17 –30 July, 2017. Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) will host the training. Program of the teacher training includes work in […]

Presentation of implemented courses in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

The courses developed within Tempus project Engensec is presented to the new generation of students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Dean of Infocommunication faculty presented the international cooperation programs that exist on Infocommunication engineering department.  Such courses as Digital forensic, Web Security, Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking, […]

ENGENSEC Summer school – Lviv 2017

ENGENSEC Student Summer school will take place on 17-28 July 2017. The host is Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine). Students from Sweden, Ukraine, Poland and Russia will join these 14 days of the School. The participants will have lectures and practice on several ENGENSEC courses: Malware Analysis, Wireless & […]

Invitation to tender

Tendering Process for ENGENSEC TEMPUS project 544455 Background  The EU ENGENSEC project ( aims at development and implementations courses of future Master Programs in Cyber Security. The project is managed and coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). On 2016-09-26 EACEA extended the eligibility period of the project by twelve […]

ENGENSEC presentation on V International “Baltic Maritime Forum” in Kaliningrad

The ENGENSEC project was performed on V International “Baltic Maritime Forum” on 23 May in Kaliningrad State Technical University (KSTU, Kaliningrad, Russia). “Baltic Maritime Forum” is one of the largest annual international scientific and practical events, comprising a number of scientific conferences, round tables and workshops devoted to development of […]

ENGENSEC tender meeting

ENGENSEC tender meeting took place on 22-23 May 2017 in Kaliningrad State Technical University (Kaliningrad, Russia). The tender is coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden). Tender was done according to the rules of the European Commission. The 4 commercial offers from companies were received during tender period from […]

The last release of ReSeLa+

The last release of Remote Security Lab (ReSeLa) took place on 18 May in Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH (Karlskrona, Sweden). ReSeLa+ is an application built for students and teachers at universities who study or teach IT security. As front end it is a web interface that uses the flask framework […]

The presentation of ENGENSEC ReSeLa+

The presentation of ENGENSEC Remote Security Laboratory (ReSeLA) development took place on 30 March in Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH (Karlskrona, Sweden). BTH students are involved to this process of development. Anders Carlsson, the general project manager (BTH) and partners from Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russia): Andrey Krasov, […]