
Results of Tender procedure in Ukraine

The procedure of opening Commercial proposals took place on 1 March 2017in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine). The procedure was divided into two phases – the phase of Commercial proposition opening and the phrase Commercial proposals evaluation. Three Commercial proposals from Companies were received during the tender […]

Open lecture within the EGENSEC project in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Anders Carlsson, general manager of TEMPUS project ENGENSEC, and Alexander Adamov, the lead developer of “Malware analyses” course, organized the open lecture for students within the course “Computer viruses and countermeasure”(KhNURE, Kharkiv). Anders Carlsson together with Alexander Adamov narrated about the modern cyber threats and attacks and presented the main […]

Tendering committee meeting

Tendering committee meeting will take place on 1 March 2017 in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine). PARTICIPANTS of the tendering committee: the head of Tender committee – Anders Carlsson, general manager of TEMPUS project ENGENSEC, the members of the tendering committee – Ukrainian coordinator Arkadii Snihurov (KhNURE); […]

Tender Procedure Ukraine

Tendering Process for TEMPUS ENGENSEC project 544455-tempus-1-2013-1-se-tempus-jpcr  Background The EU ENGENSEC project ( aims at development and implementations courses of future Master Programs in Cyber Security. The project is managed and coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). On 2016-09-26 EACEA extended the eligibility period of the project by twelve months, […]

Educational collaboration within Tempus Project ENGENSEC

IT-security researcher from BTH and general manager of Tempus project ENGENSEC, Anders Carlsson, and leaders from Ukrainian and Russian university-partners had performed a great work – initiated a close collaboration between nine technical universities to build up an international master’s programme in IT security. Today such ENGENSEC courses as “Malware […]

Extension of eligibility period

It is officially announced about the eligibility period extension of ENGENSEC project. The letter from Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Erasmus+) contains next: “Based on the reasons provided, we can agree to extend the eligibility period of the project by twelve months until 30 November, 2017. Please note that […]

ENGENSEC presentation on OpenStack MeetUp Spb

OpenStack MeetUp Spb took place on 24 November 2016 in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). It was a meetup of Russian group of OpenStack projects developers. Participants discussed OpenStack Foundation ecosystem, history and current status of the project. The development and implementation of Cloud DC, Cloud in […]

The meeting devoted to the audit of ENGENSEC courses took place on 17 November in Kyiv

The meeting devoted to the audit of ENGENSEC courses took place on 17 November in The National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Anders Carlson, Iryna Sokolianska, Alexander Adamov, “Malware analysis” course module leader, Baranovskyi Alesiiand, Executive Director, Dean of Cybersecurity Department Kyiv Cyber Academy, and Yasunskyi […]