Tendering Process for ENGENSEC TEMPUS project 544455
Invitation to Tender II
The EU ENGENSEC project (http://engensec.eu/) aims at development and implementations courses of future Master Programs in Cyber Security. The project is managed and coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). On 2016-09-26 EACEA extended the eligibility period of the project by twelve months, that is, until 30th November 2017.
The equipment is to purchase 3 (tree) classroom set of 15 PC (direction information security), developed in the ENGENSEC TEMPUS project 544455-tempus-1-2013-1-se-tempus-jpcr as described in WP 4, that shall deliver to each of the 3 university’s; KhNure, LPNU, SUT.
The tendering process should be conducted in accordance with instructions from the project officer (EACA) and the corresponding regulations at BTH. The tendering process has to be supervised and coordinated by BTH.
The start of tender is 2017-06-12 with end 2017-07-03 24:00 hours Ukraine time.
If you have any questions please visit the section “Tender procedure – Q&A” or contact us, e-mail: tender_ua@engensec.eu
Further, all received questions will be answered on Tender procedure – Q&A section.
Invitation to Tender I
The EU ENGENSEC project (http://engensec.eu/) aims at development and implementations courses of future Master Programs in Cyber Security. The project is managed and coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). On 2016-09-26 EACEA extended the eligibility period of the project by twelve months, that is, until 30th November 2017.
The equipment is purchased to implement and run the labs for master courses (direction information security), developed in the ENGENSEC TEMPUS project 544455-tempus-1-2013-1-se-tempus-jpcr as described in WP 4
The tendering process should be conducted in accordance with instructions from the project officer (EACA) and the corresponding regulations at BTH. The tendering process has to be supervised and coordinated by BTH.
The start of tender is 2017-02-06 with end 2017-02-28 24:00 hours Ukraine time.
![]() about the tender procedure (.pdf) |
![]() about the equipment specification (.pdf) |
![]() Download full information |
If you have any questions please visit the section “Tender procedure – Q&A” or contact us, e-mail: tender_ua@engensec.eu
Tender procedure – Q&A section.
Question | Answer |
1. What documents should be submitted for participation in the TENDER?
1. Які документи повинні бути предоставлені компаніями для участі в ТЕНДЕРІ?
1. The full list of documents that must be submitted for participation in the TENDER can be obtained by the following link – List of documents
1. Повний перелік документів, які повинні бути представлені для участі в ТЕНДЕРІ можна отримати за наступним посиланням – Перелік необхідних документів
2. What is included in the common price of equipment?Should be included the costs related to customs clearance to the final price of the equipment?
2. Що входить в загальну вартість обладнання? Чи повинні бути включені витрати, пов’язані з митним оформленням, в кінцеву вартість обладнання? |
2. Costs associated with customs clearance of products should be included in the final price of equipment. These costs are paid by the supplier. TAX-Free documents allow freeing only from VAT.
2. Витрати, пов’язані з митним оформленням товарів, повинні бути включені в остаточну вартість обладнання. Ці витрати оплачуються постачальником. Tax Free документи дозволяють звільнити тільки від ПДВ. |
3. In what currency the price of equipment in the commercial proposition should be formed?
3. В якій валюті повинна бути сформована ціна у комерційній пропозиції? |
3. The price of equipment in the commercial proposition should be formed in euro.
3. Вартість обладнання у комерційній пропозиції повинна бути вказана у евро. |
4. There is some inaccuracy in your equipment specification. Here in technical conditions for compute servers, you specified next HDD types: 2 * 300GB, 4 * 500 GB see also Option 04:03 Unfortunately, you didn’t specify other HDD features except for volume. Also, you described HDD features more precisely on the second sheet but they don’t correspond to those indicated on the first sheet: two HD SAS 300GB 10K three SSD SATA 6G 480GB Mixed-Use 2.5′ H-P EP. Could you clarify correct HDD configuration?4. У надісланій Вами специфікації є деяка неточність. У технічних вимогах до серверів для обчислень на першому аркуші Ви вказали, що необхідні наступні типи НЖМД: 2 * 300GB , 4 * 500 GB se also Option 4:03 На жаль, Ви не вказали тип та інші характеристики НЖМД, крім обсягу. Також на другому аркуші Ви більш точно розписуєте характеристики НЖМД, але вони не відповідають тим, що вказані на першому аркуші: two HD SAS 300GB 10K three SSD SATA 6G 480GB Mixed-Use 2.5 ‘H-P EP Уточніть, будь ласка, яка конфігурація НЖМД є вірною? |
4. The servers should include the next HDD types:
Control Node / MGM Node The Compute Node Disk system I and II
4. Сервери повинні включати в себе наступні типи жорстких дисків: Control Node / MGM Node The Compute Node Disk system I and II |
The invitation on second tender can be found here