Prof. Ievgen Duravkin, the coordinator for Ukraine partners and representative of KNURE, was in charge of organizing this meeting.Ievgen together with Natalya S. Lesnaya, the pro-rector on scientific and pedagogical work of KNURE, accented the significance of the ENGENSEC project and spoke about the positive impact of it on the university.
Anders Carlsson, the general project manager, participated in the monitoring and provided all the necessary information about the project work packages to the representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office. Alexander Adamov and Liubov Demchenko, the representatives of KNURE, presented their work at the malware and ReSeLa courses. Yuriy Lakh and Mykhailo Marchuk, the representatives of Lviv Polytechnic National University, told about the University participation in the project. Nataliia Lukova-Chuiko, the representative of State University of Telecommunications, made the presentation about IT Security Framework. Iryna Sokolianska,representative of Evaluation Committee, joined the monitoring. She provided information about the organization of remote communication between partners and within development teams about the teaching and support activities for the project participants; presented a system of external and internal monitoring of courses developed in the project and the results of the first delivery of work teams.
During that field monitoring following topics were discussed:
- Relevance of the master’s program development for the participating countries, advantages for students and IT industry;
- The efficiency of interaction within the management among international partners and the level of involvement of all stakeholders in the development , the effective communication within the project;
- Features of the work plan implementation, changes and possible solutions for difficulties decisions;
- Mobility of student groups, the differences in the legislation of different countries and practical implementation of this phase of the project.
The National Erasmus+ officers recommended to analyze the experience of the similar projects. They provided some expert advices from the international office on actual issues. One of the proposals was to make a wider project dissemination for the student and industry societies.
Olena and Svitlana also held meetings with students of KNURE and discussed the interest of students to participate in such programs from European Union. Moreover, they spoke about additional opportunities for students and provided the information about similar projects.
The project officers checked the owncloud data portal which helps to exchange information among partners and gave some recommendations during the monitoring discussion. Monitoring results made a good impression on the audience.