The workshop focused on the identifying the areas of overlap in the developing courses. Developers of the courses redistributed some topics and laboratory works within their groups and as a result the preknowledge and outcomes list was updated. The current version of the course materials, including the detailed lecture plan, should be available for peer-to-peer review in the OwnCloud data portal. One of the suggestions during the peer-to-peer review was to include topics about LTE and 3G into the “Wireless & Mobile security” course. Each group of developers needs to provide the information about the necessary hardware and software equipment for virtual labs organization. It will allow developers to see that the project equipment which the partners are going to receive for the master program realization will meet all the requirements.
On 21 April the developers of the courses met the representatives of the BTH student organization. The students got acquainted with the ENGENSEC project and master courses description. During the meeting students presented the educational computer game, which they have developed. The game conception may be used as an idea for the labs development.
During the workshop the partners made a decision to update the structure of the master framework. It was suggested to provide the “Pentest and ethical hacking” course in the educational program before “Wireless & Mobile security”. This decision is based on comparing the preknowledge and outcomes list.
The representatives of seven universities attended the planning meeting (23-24 April 2015). Anders Carlsson, the general project manager, gave a summary of the results and challenges of the course development process. The partners decided to organize the external course review with help of the universities teachers who will analyze the materials of the courses.
The university partners make a plan for the teacher training. The process starts from making a list of the courses for the implementation from each university. Each course needs to have a responsible person for the implementation in the particular university if the university agrees to include the course into the master program. These teachers responsible for the course implementation will have an access to all course materials. The feedback from the review of the courses will influence the final update which is going to be done in the last meeting with the developers. The teacher training will be held by the partners who have developed the courses. The participants of the training will be teachers of these courses in their universities.
The partners were informed about the beginning of the equipment purchasing procedure. Each university partner should provide the proper environment for the equipment installation and find the IT administrator, who will be responsible for the ReSeLa support.
One of the questions for the planning meeting was a summer school for students. It includes the following key points: requirements for students and teachers, school location, a timetable.
The students who have finished their first year of master program will be able to attend the summer school. They should have sufficient pre-knowledge and skills in the IT Security area according to the syllabuses of the courses and the proper English language skills. The summer school teachers will be course modules developers and teachers from universities-partners who passed the ENGENSEC teacher training.The meeting participants are planning to organize the summer school for the period: July –mid August 2016. The partners have an opinion that the optimal duration of the summer school should be 2 weeks (10 working days x 7.5 hours per day). The criteria for analyzing the school location were: visa necessity, travel options, cost of stay, resources for studying, entertainment facilities. All the universities-partners were ranked according to the criteria. The top three positions belong to SUT (St.Petersburg, Russia), Latvia university (Riga, Latvia), LPU (Lviv, Ukraine). The final decision about school location should be taken during the next meeting.
During the meeting partners planned the dissemination activities. The participants discussed a website updates, a poster and a flyer production, a promotion video creation and an additional resources for the dissemination. All the partners supported the idea about informational days for students and teachers at universities.
Recommendations (plans for the next meeting)
- Course development
Prepare material supporting peer-to-peer reviews. Updating of course material and master programs.
- Teacher training
Plans for implementations at each university involved. Detailed guidelines will be provided.
- Equipment purchasing
Each university involved should provide a responsible IT administrator.
- Summer school
Planned during July- August 2016 at SUT St Petersburg. Detailed work plan will be provided.
- Dissemination
Detailed plans will be provided.
- Work plan for remaining parts of the project
Will be discussed and decided at upcoming Coordination meeting in May 2015.
- Coordinators of partners – universities
Started negotiation of bilateral agreements between universities. The work will be continued on the coordination meeting in May 2015