The main idea of workshop is to share IT security experience with everybody who really wants to get it! EGENSEC IT Security Academy is a great chance to improve IT Security knowledge and skills. During the workshop participants discussed such practical and theoretical aspects of IT security as computer threats, malware analysis, pentesting and some mathematical methods within the network security.
Anders Carlsson, the IT-security specialist, senior lecturer at BTH (Sweden) presented changes of computer threats in the modern society. Alexander Adamov, a malware expert, head of the NioGuard Security Lab, senior lecturer at KhNURE (Ukraine) focused guests’ attention to analysis of new version of TeslaCrypt ransomware 2.1.0. Vadym Chakrian, the leader of the next projects: Hackup {Learning} Network, Kharkiv OWASP chapter, ISACA KhNURE chapter; postgraduate student at KhNURE (Ukraine) presented modern approaches to penetration testing. Oleksandra Yeremenko,
Associate Professor (KhNURE) made presentation about mathematical methods within the network security.
Lecturers had a deep discussion with guests at the end of workshop. Anders Carlsson and Alexander Adamov received a lot of additional questions from guests.
All the students, participants of the workshop, were interested in a full information about ENGENSEC project.