The ENGENSEC teacher training in St. Petersburg, Russia (April, 2016)

DSC_1444The ENGENSEC teacher training took place on 5 –7 April, 2016 in St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunication (SUT), Russia. The participants were representatives of Swedish (BTH), Ukrainian (KhNURE, SUT, LPNU) and Russian (SUT,YSU, KSTU) universities. There were guests from ENGENSEC partners: The German Federal Criminal Police Office (Wiesbaden, Germany), Training center «Echelon» (Moscow, Russia) and Saint-Petersburg Institute for Information and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science (St.Petersburg, Russia).

Anders Carlsson, the general project manager, began the meeting with the training orientation for the participants and introduction the new team members. Rune Gustavsson, the quality assurance chaireman, presented the system of measurable quality criteria.  Andrey Krasov, the ENGENSEC coordinator in SUT, told about the training schedule and facilities.

The training members were divided into 3 groups according to ENGENSEC courses:
1) Malware analysis: trainer – Alexander Adamov (Kharkiv, Ukraine);
2)  Pentest and ethical hacking: trainer – Alexander Dorofeev (Moscow, Russia);
3)   Wireless & Mobile security: trainer – Daniil Kirillov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).

During training days all the groups were working on the course content, giving recommendations and feedback for the course developers.

The Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking group reviewed a course structure, presentation slides and walked through the all labs. The structure of the course was updated. Teachers added the topic “Penetration testing tools development”. The database penetration lab was splitted into two parts. The results of the review are plans to update the course’s PPTs and create the teacher’s notes as a theoretical part of the course.

The Malware analysis team reviewed the content of the course and suggested the list of recommendations how to improve the course. Some of the advices were to clarify the objectives for the labs, to provide different samples for students to do tasks, to organize the practical part in a competitive way and to add more information explaining mobile malware. Finally, based on the list of recommendations the team set the action plan that includes the key improvement of the course content and provide knowledge exchange in the teachers’ group.

As a result of the discussion in Wireless & Mobile security group, a syllabus and laboratory labs were updated according to the latest practices in the field of the wireless security. The teachers compiled a hardware specification which is needed for laboratory work. The group analyzed the course content for student summer school.

There was a special meeting with Irina Karimova, the head of SUT international department. The meeting participants discussed the summer school facilities and the process of Russian visa application.

All the training participants have got certificates of successful completion the training. The course leaders received experts’ feedback for the finalizing the course development.