The consortium meeting took place on 5-8 September, 2016 in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. The delegates of seven universities-partners from Sweden, Poland, Russia and Ukraine were on the meeting. Participants discussed the results of Summer School 2016, analyzed current challenges and made some re-planning of work packages of ENGENSEC project, approved the letter to EU on request of project extension and timeline for the proposed extension.
Agenda of consortium meeting included next questions:
- Letter to EU on request for project extension
- Time plan for activities related to project extension
- Evaluation of Summer Schools 2016 in Lviv and St. Petersburg
Planned project extension
The motivation for the planned extension is to enable achievements towards the original goals of the project. The time plan focused on finalizing courses, cloud environments into an integrated flexible learning environment on cyber security, requirements of society today and tomorrow. The summary of plan:
- Creating a new team for ReSeLa development. A new development cycle already have started and have first test implementations supporting evaluations in different settings.
- The procedures specifications and establish for the tender processes of equipment have started.
- The next steps are focusing on completing the course and learning developments, setting up labs and giving pilot courses, teacher trainings, summer schools etc.
- Furthermore, we will focus on dissemination activities. Publications, on-going development of the book with articles, seminars and open conferences etc.
- The future plans also include publishing ReSeLa as open source project.
Time plan for activities related to project extension
The proposed extension period is December 2016 – November 2017. This period includes the Cloud-based security lab development and Deliver lab environment for study to the university- (October 2016 – May 2017), launching new Master’s program – ENGENSEC Pilot courses and evaluating results of the pilot courses (February 2017 – May 2017).
Evaluation of Summer Schools 2016 in Lviv and St. Petersburg
The both summer schools were very high graded by the students. The summer school in Lviv included two more courses, Malware and Software, than the school in St.Petersburg. The grading of the schools by the students was also in general higher in Lviv than in St.Petersburg. The reason is that the missing courses in St.Petersburg got very high ranking in Lviv. The ENGENSEC courses have been strongly validated with regard to both content and impact at the summer schools.
The summer schools have also indicated that the course WebSec might need some improvements.