«OpenStack Remote Security Laboratory (ReSeLa)» opening ceremony took place on 21 September in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SUT), Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Other Russian and Ukrainian universities from the project consortium have got the same set of equipment for ReSeLa. This laboratory is a unique system which includes server cloud equipment and 15 computers. ReSeLa allows doing the labs for master students who are learning the cybersecurity. The ReSeLa software may be used for the developed materials of course labs.
Georgy Mashkov, SUT vice rector, and Anders Carlsson, ENGENSEC general manager, joined the opening ceremony. Representatives of partner universities were invited to this ceremony. They got the memorable ReSeLa door sign for the classrooms.It says “The classroom equipment and OpenStack Remote Security Laboratory are financed by European Commission.
Anders Carlsson explained how to set up the laboratory during the ReSeLA workshop for partner technical specialists. Participants learn the installation and configuring of ReSeLA . The workshop was during two days before the ceremony.