Next questions will be discussed during the workshop
• Introducing the new ReSeLa-system
• Stages of deployment and training new members
• Development planning and practice
The main task of workshop is to educate a new members how to deploy and support new ReSeLa-system. In the future the members of ReSeLa workshop will help courses’ teachers to manage the system, add and edit information about labs and students.
The workshop participants wiil be Leo Truksans, course module leader, and Martin Balodis (UOL, Latvia), Anders Carlsson, Vida Ahmadi and Iryna Sokolianska (BTH, Sweden), Olena Tkachova and Oxana Eivseeva (KHNURE, Ukraine), Yaroslav Stefinko and Bogdan Voitusik (LPNU, Ukraine), Artom Shvidkii (SPSUT, Russia).