Visiting the Committee of Science and Education of Ukraine and ongoing meetings with project partners

Kiev 2014

Anders Carlsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden), ENGENSEC project coordinator, and Prof. Rune Gustavsson, chairman of Evaluation committee (Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), are invited to Ukraine parliament “Verhovna Rada of Ukraine”, Committee of Science and Education. The goal of the visit is to find ways to collaboration in the education sphere and discuss the modernization of Ukraine higher education. The official topics of meetings are: “European integration in Ukrainian education” and “How to get higher quality by using “CDIO concept” in education framework”.

 28 May – visiting the Committee of Science and Education and meeting with the Ms. Liliia Hrynevych, Chairman of the Committee on Science and Education

29 May – discussion with Ms. Inna Sovsun, Vice Ministry of Science and Education

Problems of legislative reforming of the educational system in Ukraine and its integration into European educational space were discussed. Anders Carlsson informed about a new project in the sphere of information security “ENGENSEC” and pointed at the main aim of the project – the creation of a new master’s programme in the information security sphere in response to current problems of information society development, cybersecurity and confidentiality in the electronic world.

During the discussion of current problems of introducing the master’s programme into Ukranian higher education institutions, the Committee’s Chair claimed majority of problematic issues will be resolved when a new Law “On Higher Education” is adopted.

The meeting was initiated by the ENGENSEC “Framework group” and staff from State University of Telecommunications (SUT), Kyiv. Sergii Toliupa and  Nataliia Lukova-Chuiko, SUT representatives, did a presentation on the ENGENSEC project in the Committee of Science and Education of Ukraine. As a result the Committee was interested in the project subject and wanted to collaborate.

The nearest meetings with project partners:

2-3 June – Anders Carlsson is going to visit Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and have a project management meeting with Dmytro Andrushko, ENGENSEC project coordinator for UA partners.

4-6 June – exploratory meeting in Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. Anders Carlsson is planning to manage the agenda of the next coordination meeting with Andrey Krasov, vice-head of the chair of information security of telecommunication systems, and check the conditions of the meeting site.