
Anders Carlsson – Teacher of the Year at BTH!

Congratulations to our general project manager Anders Carlsson – Teacher of the Year according to Blekinge Student Union award!!! Students in Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden) elected Anders Carlsson as Best Teacher!!! Anders has a deep knowledge in the IT Security area and great leadership skills. That allows to say […]

The ENGENSEC teacher training in St. Petersburg, Russia (April, 2016)

The ENGENSEC teacher training took place on 5 –7 April, 2016 in St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunication (SUT), Russia. The participants were representatives of Swedish (BTH), Ukrainian (KhNURE, SUT, LPNU) and Russian (SUT,YSU, KSTU) universities. There were guests from ENGENSEC partners: The German Federal Criminal Police Office (Wiesbaden, Germany), Training […]

Remote security laboratory group meeting

The meeting of a remote security laboratory (resela) group took place on 21-24 March, 2016 in Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) (Karlskrona, Sweden). The resela group was presented by Artem Shvidkii (Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications), Stepan Voytusik (Lviv Polytechnic National University) and BTH representatives. As a meeting result […]

Lecture-invitation to Summer School in IT security area

March  08, 2016 Yuriy Lakh from Lviv Polytechnics at his guest lecture in  BTH  (Karlskrona,  Sweden) invited students from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola   to   visit Summer  School  at  Lviv  Polytechnic  National University,  Ukraine,  during  June  27th  to July 8th, 2016. He spoke briefly  about  the  history  of Lviv Polytechnic National University, taking   part […]

The ENGENSEC project presentation at Education Forum 2016

The Education Forum 2016 took place in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE) on 2 March, 2016. The main purpose of the educational forum is activization of cooperation between society, professional communities and the state structures to implement effective changes in Ukrainian education. There was a genuine social dialogue […]


Video invitation to IT Summer School. You are invited to Join Summer Schools in Master courses in IT security areas organized by the EU ENGENSEC project in Lviv (Ukraine) and St. Petersburg (Russia)! Venue • Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, during June 27th to July 8th, 2016. • St. Petersburg […]

Security in cloud computing

Cloud computing is now more than a vision. It’s a reality that many IT security professionals are in the throes of dealing with today as they are faced with the responsibility of managing security in a cloud-based world. An increasingly important aspect is securing the usage of cloud apps, the […]