
The presentation the ENGENSEC project in Kharkiv on the First Regional Resources forum in education sphere

The First Regional Resources forum in education sphere in Ukraine took place in Kharkiv on 10 December, 2015. Forum program included an exhibition of projects and scientific developments, the presentation of grant programs by international companies and lectures of foreign specialists. Students, teachers and educational organizations could share their experiences […]

Teacher training: Digital Forensic and Web security courses

The teachers of partner universities are welcome to join the teacher training on Digital Forensic and Web security courses. The training will take place in Wiesbaden, Germany on 14 – 18 December. The German Federal Criminal Police (BKA) will host the training. The developed courses will be presented to the teachers […]

The webinars for course developers and teachers (1-3 December, 2015).

The webinars for course developers and teachers will take place on 1-3 December, 2015. It will be three short webinars. The topic of webinars is “Interactive technologies for teaching and data visualization”. The presenter is Iryna Sokolianska (BTH, Sweden). The main purpose of webinars is the presentation of innovation technologies […]

Congratulations for all project partners!

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) have carried out the assessment of the Intermediate Report on implementation of the project. The report was approved! The EACEA representatives congratulated Mr Carlsson, project manager, and all partners on the achieved results during the first period of project implementation. Despite the […]

ReSeLa Workshop in Riga (LNU): current standing, development and training

The workshop of “Remote Security Labs” will take place in the University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia) from 27 to 30 July, 2015. The current standing, ReSeLa development stages, teachers trainings and support question are going to attend on this workshop. Anders Carlsson (ENGENSEC project general coordinator) and Leo Truksans (course […]

Preparing Teacher training

Preparing Teacher training started in accordance with the project work plan. From each university defined the teachers who will introduce courses at their home universities. Since September, they will have access to the courses that were developed by the developers. Teachers should begin to explore the working material no later […]

The presentation of ENGENSEC project in Lviv, June 4

The presentation of ENGENSEC project also took place on June the 4-th, 2015 at the IV International Scientific-Technical Conference “Information Protection and Information Systems Security” in Lviv (Ukraine) at Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU). Representatives from the following regions of Ukraine took part in the conference: Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, […]

Presentation of ENGENSEC project in Ukraine

The presentation of ENGENSEC project took place on 22 May, 2015. Project was presented in the scientific workshop “Problems of mathematical modeling of communication systems” in Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine. Representatives from the following regions of Ukraine took part in the seminar: Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava. The […]